Carpe Diem

Carpe Diem translates into “Seize the day.” There is more to this quote, “trusting tomorrow as little as possible.” These profound words were made famous by Horace who was born Dec 8th, 65 BC and died Nov 27th, 8 BC. He was a Roman lyric poet during the time of Augustus.

Seize the day – what an excellent piece of advice. It is so simple that the majority of us have over looked it because we tend to think of life as complicated and difficult to figure out. This not the case and it is my desire to put forth part of my philosophy here that will dissolve that untruth.

Let us take this – “Seize the day” advice and say “Seize the moment” or “Seize this Now Moment.” Perhaps you noticed that regardless of whether you are thinking of the past, the present or the future, you are doing it NOW. So one can conclude from this perspective that NOW, this very moment in time, is all there really is and all we have control over. Linear time is more of an illusion of sorts, a necessary consciousness construct to give us the experience of the passage of time in this 3D reality. Deep stuff, right? Well, maybe just for fun, we can go further down that rabbit hole another time or is that another now?

I was reminded recently how fragile life can be. Two of my friends with in the last few weeks were injured by falling and two others have troubling health issues. None of us are spring chicks any more, except perhaps in our dreams. I am happy to say that all are on the mend and will be fine in due course. Life is oh so precious, is it not? These events and a few others have been the seeds from which today’s words come forth.

To be present, to seize this now moment, is to make the best of our time and energies. In doing this we ‘do life rather than life doing us.’ Too often we are so caught up in our day to day living that we forget to ‘stop and smell the roses.’ I know so many are in survival mode these days, stuck in the Matrix, making it difficult to look away even for a short while. If we can just take a few minutes to ‘be present in this now moment and appreciate a sunrise, a sunset, or to look into the eye of a child and notice the wisdom from that old soul within, we would be taking a very important first step into a new understanding of reality. Regrets of the past are gone and all maybes and what ifs disappear when we focus on the task at hand regardless how small it may seem at the moment. Being ‘present’ has and is working for me so it can work for you.

We create our reality with in this Now moment, so by seizing the present you are creating a positive space from which you then allow more of the same to flow to you. This is a simple yet powerful piece of knowing. Forego the thought that life’s problems require complicated solutions. I will add here that staying in the NOW requires much work but will improve with practice. For those of you who may have read my book, you will know that the Law of Attraction is an undeniable universal principle and works hand in hand with what I just mentioned.

We have arrived at a pivotal time in human history. The old patriarchal structures of control and oppression are now showing their true colors and are attempting to stop the shift into unity consciousness. This is impossible to do because the forces that are at play are evolutionary by their very nature, therefore, inevitable. Humanity’s next step from toddlerhood is not a question of if but when.

In closing, I would like to remind everyone and myself, how magnificent we all really are. We have only forgotten this fact. We just need to give ourselves a chance and seize the day, seize the moment, because power over your destiny lies there. Moving to this new age of the Fellowship of the Heart, as I like to call it, begins within each of us. This is the new foundation on which we will build a better future for all of humanity.

Here’s a link that will add to what you have just read.

Abraham Hicks – Forget the past; don’t worry about the future, just line up Now.

Here are a few words from Eckhart Tolle’s book – The Power of NOW – from page 50.
“Nothing ever happened in the past; it happened in the Now.”
“Nothing will ever happen in the future; it will happen in the Now.”

And so my friends – Carpe Diem.

Until next time, the next Now, be safe.


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